Pictured below are just some of the Kelvin Temperatures available at SignCo Group.

What is Kelvin temperature ?
The Kelvin is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI) of thermodynamic temperature, having the unit symbol K. The Kelvin temperature is used to express the light temperature. Warm light tends toward the yellow end of the light spectrum, whereas cool light tends toward the blue end of the light spectrum.
There is no standard LEDs light, each LED has its own Kelvin temperature, in order to match your needs, we will adapt the LEDs we will use.
Choosing a Kelvin temperature will depend on your technical specifications (colours, materials used...) and also where the sign will be installed to fit in the environment. Most commonly, Kelvin temperature for commercial or residential lighting goes from 2000K to 6500K
We adapt to your technical requirement. We are here to help you.